September 15, 2022
Protect Your Children – Immunizations and Vaccines Saves Lifes
Vaccination protects children from serious diseases like chicken pox, measles, influenza, whooping cough, and hepatitis B. Vaccinations prevented an estimated 936,000 early deaths, 8 million hospitalizations, and 419 million illnesses among children born from 1994-2018 in the United States. See the Figure below. CDC recommends children stay on track with routine vaccinations to help protect them from serious diseases like measles, whooping cough, influenza, hepatitis B, and chickenpox. COVID-19 vaccination is recommended for ages six months and older. COVID-19 vaccine and other vaccines may be administered on the same day. IPH provides vaccination according to the CDC’s Childhood Immunization Schedules. See the Figure below. Are your children up to date on their immunization? Vaccinate your children. Protect your children from serious diseases like chicken pox, measles, influenza, whooping cough, and hepatitis B. IPH has the vaccines available at 9053 Woodward Ave, Detroit, Monday to Friday, 8:30 AM to 4:00 PM. Call 313-309-9350 ext. 2 to make an appointment. COVID-19 vaccination is recommended for ages 6 months and older.
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September 4, 2022
Protect Your Children
COVID-19 vaccination is an essential tool to help protect children from COVID-19. COVID-19 vaccines help prevent kids from getting severely ill and protect them from long-term complications or even death. See the Figure below. CDC recommends COVID-19 primary series vaccines for everyone ages six months and older. CDC also recommends COVID-19 boosters for everyone five years and older if eligible. Protect Michigan children from COVID-19 and its complications. Get children vaccinated and boosted if eligible. Call 313-309-9350 ext. 2 Monday – Friday to make an appointment for a COVID Vaccine. COVID vaccine is given on Monday and Tuesday (8:30 AM to 4:00 PM) at 9053 Woodward and Home visits by scheduled appointment on Thursday.
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August 31, 2022
What to do if you suspect MonkeyPox
Exposure of people to monkeypox virus infection causes monkeypox disease. Early detection of monkeypox can help stop the spread of monkeypox. Symptoms of monkeypox include rash, fever, chills, headache, cough, tiredness, and muscle aches. Know what to look for and what to do if you suspect monkeypox. See the Figure below. You can get monkeypox from close skin-to-skin contact with a person who has rash or scabs, sexual contact, and contact with contaminated objects. Avoid skin-to-skin contact with anyone who has the rash, don’t share silverware/ cups, and don’t touch contaminated objects. Protect yourself and your family. If you suspect exposure or positivity, call your Physician or go to the Emergency Department (ED) or call Detroit Health Department (313) 876-4444).
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August 25, 2022
IPH Back-to-School Health Fair
The Back to School Health Fair was a big success. Special thanks to Carmen Colon and her team “Talking is Teaching” Great Start Collaborative, Detroit, Wayne, Everybody Ready for a Great Start organization for your attendance at the health fair and for giving away resources such as reading materials, books, and water bottles. The community participation at the fair was awesome, 47 children received health screening, childhood immunizations and/or COVID-19 vaccines, bookbags, school supplies, and a food box provided for over 25 families. Dr. Adrian Williams, NP, completed more than 20 health appraisals, and Geraldine Young, RN screened and vaccinated over 30 children. Over, 5 children received dental services. Thanks to the IPH team: Kimberly Williamson-Staten, Compliance Officer, Jamillah Barrett, BSW, Cordelia Payne, CHW, Jeff Hart, Facilities Manager, Rochelle Betton-Ford, Registered Dental Hygienist, Melissa Willingham, Billing Specialist, Tracy Davis, Business Office Manager for working at the health fair. —- Thank you all very much.